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Forgiveness-a personal viewpoint

Forgiveness is a human frailty; I say this because as universe is concerned we have done nothing wrong to forgive. It is only our perception of life that there is ‘right’ and there is ´wrong’´. Yes we live by the ancient and modern laws of society, the  ‘shalt nots’ and the ‘will nots’ and we need those, it may feel to you that we them more than ever and that at this time they are in decline, but it has been said and written a million times  before that god dose not judge us. What we do or who we are simply for us to live by in a society we make ourselves the judges and the jury and we are often tried and found wanting. The Universe finds us that find it hard to forgive those that trespass against us.

We ask forgiveness every day in one way or another; saying sorry is asking for forgiveness, some find it difficult to say this word-perhaps subconsciously understanding and not being able to take on the thought of asking for forgiveness. When you think about it asking someone is a huge responsibility, when we mutter ‘sorry’ as we bump against someone on the bus or in a train it is a cursory request more a matter of upbringing, more a habit than anything. We don’t actually think that we must ask that person to forgive us-hay man it’s no big deal, l’ve bumped and apologized and you’ ve nodded all over and done with. However, when we hurt someone intentionally or unintentionally, then the request for forgiveness should be heartfelt, the agreement to forgive should be considered carefully, if you feel that you have been betrayed or abused by another then it is your responsibility to forgive completely, with your heart centre, with consideration, with love, it is not enough to say ‘of course’ just to stop the boat from rocking, or maybe completely tipping over; because there may be a next time and a next time and then a next time. There again, it takes a big heart to forgive properly and with truth, a feeling that is deep inside your body and your mind. You will know if you have honestly forgiven someone or whether you are just using a sticking plaster to try and heal the hurt.

We also forget to love and forgive ourselves and if we don’t love ourselves, why should anyone else. If we constantly tell ourselves that we are stupid, forgetful, useless ugly, unwanted, then we will be because we live down to our own expectations. If we live in the belief that we are wonderful, can do anything we set our minds to attractive and powerful, loving, then we draw to us that what we desire, be it a better job or a loving relationship or simply we become a stronger person. It is having faith in and love for ourselves.

It sound easy to say this but l understand how difficult it can be for those who are always given these negative aspects about themselves and when you hear it day after day you can start to believe it. The same is true that if you tell someone how clever they are, how well they do things, how beautiful they are, they will live up to these expectations because they have the self belief that these things are true. How easy it can be to make someone else’s life so good even if have to learn the lesson from our own lives. Love and forgive yourself you are human; you make mistakes; recognize them and give yourself peace. Send someone love everyday, know that someone is sending you love every day, know that someone is thinking of you, know that your guides and angels are around you with love.